Professionals' use of video meetings

This research project investigates how participants in video-mediated talk accomplish institutional tasks, what challen­ges they face when doing so, how they compensate for the shortcomings of the video media­tion, and how they accomplish relating to and trusting each other. The overall aim is to explore how video-mediation of interactional practices affects human interaction in general.

The project was launched in 2013, and from January 2017 to June 2021, The Velux Foundations supported the project with a generous grant of 6 million DKK. The project is still running, and because of the Covid19 situation worldwide it is more relevant than ever. In focus right now are the subprojects on how presence is collaboratively achieved, how trust is interactionally co-constructed and how professionals may be better equipped with tools for creating more engaging virtual collaboration.


This research project focuses on the practices, consequences and impact of professional use of video mediated interaction on humanity and society – an area which has until recently been understudied. The scope is to describe and discuss how video-mediation of interactional practices affects human interaction in general, and what we can learn from virtual communication practices.

We explore practices for video mediated interaction in three real-life institutional settings: telemedicine, business collaboration and public service. The project represents multidisciplinary research using method triangulation. Data are video recordings of authentic video interaction in professional-professional as well as professional-lay settings.



Subproject A: Institutional processes and outcomes in video mediated interaction

RQ A1 How do participants to video-mediated interaction accomplish an agenda for the talk?

RQ A2 How do participants to video mediated interaction construct institutional identities?

Subproject B: Video meeting participants' interactional accomplishment of mutual trust

RQ B1: How do participants to VCs align and affiliate with co-participants, and how does this improve our understanding of why participating in VCs could be perceived more difficult than FTF meetings?

RQ B2: Which interactional strategies (e.g. first initiatives, repair, dis­pre­ferred turn design, epistemic adverbs, online commentary, stance management, cross-references, aligned identi­ties) may be identified as means of accomplishing being trusted, or not, and being able to trust, or not, by VC participants?

RQ B3: Do we see differences with respect to action type, turn design, se­quen­tial position, action frequency or content, when it is a new relation being built or it is an 'older' relation?

RQ B4: How can the degree of trust shown in VC interaction be measured?

Subproject C: Challenges, possibilities and the semiotics of place and space in video meetings

RQ C1: Challenges: In what ways do the missing subtle sensory modalities affect VC communication, and how do participants in VC use of spatiomaterial resources to compensate for the missing sensory modalities (lack of eye contact, hearing challenges, lack of common physical place of experience)?      

RQ C2: Possibilities: Which VC affordances enhance interaction (e.g. digital tools and work spaces), and how is interactional efficiency accomplished when different tasks are performed at the same time?

Subproject D: Impact and implications

RQ D1: What does it mean for man to videomeet?

RQ D2: How can findings from multimodal conversation analyses serve as a basis for communication training in organisations that utilize ICT-mediated interaction?

RQ D3: How can findings from all subprojects be disseminated to a wider audience?



  • Due, B. L. (In press). Situated Co-Operative Creativity. Pragmatics and Society.
  • Due, B. L. (2021). RoboDoc: Semiotic resources for achieving face-to-screenface formation with a telepresence robot. Semiotica. 238: 253-278.
  • Due, B. L., & Licoppe, C. (2021). Video-Mediated Interaction (VMI): Introduction to a special issue on the multimodal accomplishment of VMI institutional activities. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality3(3).
  • Due, B. L., Licoppe, C., & Nielsen, M.F. (Eds.). (2021). Special Issue: Video-mediated interaction in institutional settings. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality3(3).
  • Due, B.L. (2021). “Video-Mediated Interaction and blindness: Preliminary observations on the accomplishment of organizing a face-to-screenface formation without sight. Exploring Social Interaction conference (ESI). University of Copenhagen and Aarhus and Southern University Denmark.
  • Due, B.L., & Lange, S.B. (2020). Body Part Highlighting: Exploring two types of embodied practices in two sub-types of showing sequences in video-mediated consultations. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 3(3).
  • Due, B.L., Lange, S.B., Nielsen, M.F., & Jarlskov, C. (2019). Mimicable embodied demonstration in a decomposed sequence: Two aspects of recipient design in professionals’ video-mediated encounters. Journal of Pragmatics, 152, 13-27.
  • Due, B.L., Lange, S.B., Nielsen, M.F., Toft, T.L.W., Landgrebe, J., Nielsen, A.M.R., & Hassert, L.O. (2019). Den andens ansigt: Afdækning af deltagerorientering via multimodal interaktionsanalyse. NyS, Nydanske Sprogstudier, 56, 10-51.
  • Due, B.L. (2019). Co-operative Creativity: Exploring ICT-affordances in professional contexts. Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP).Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Due, B.L. (2019). Situated Co-operative creativity. Key note. Kobe University, Japan.
  • Due, B.L. (2019). The embodied foundation of creativity. 3rd Symposium on Embodied interaction, Odense, Denmark.
  • Due, B.L. and S.B. Lange (2019). Situated Co-operative creativity: Solving emerging problems in situ. 2nd Meeting Science Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Due, B.L. and S.B. Lange (2019). Co-operative creativity-in-flux: Solving emerging problems in institutional video mediated contexts. COACT, Oulu, Finland.
  • Due, B.L. (2018). Mediated Spatial Presence: Interacting with a Telepresence Robot in a Healthcare Setting. Eighth Meeting of the Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI). New York Columbia University.
  • Due, B.L. (2018). Doing being a telepresence robot. Establishing inter-corporeal/machine-ity. 2nd Symposium of Embodied Interaction, Odense, Denmark.
  • Due, B.L., Lange, S.B., & Trærup, J. (2018). Video learning: En videobaseret læringsmetode. In M. Kjær & J. Davidsen (Eds.), Perspektiver på videoanalyse Introduktion til metode og teori i praksis. Samfundslitteratur.
  • Due, B.L., Trærup, J., & Lange, S.B. (2017). Learning during workshop meetings based on video clips. Gothenburg Meeting Science Symposium, Sverige.
  • Elvstrøm, M. & C. Prüssing (2018). Digital Forandring i Sundhedsvæsenet. Et empirisk studie af forandringskommunikation ved indførelsen af Sundhedsplatformen. Specialeafhandling vejledt af J. Landgrebe. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab. Københavns Universitet.
  • Franco, A. and Nielsen, M.F. (2018). Formulations in facilitation practice: an exploratory video-based investigation of their use in situ. Behavioural Processes in OR Practice. BOR Stream, TC-31, Euro 29. March 2018, Valencia.
  • Hammerstad, C.M. (2019). Storytelling i bostøttesamtaler. Et studie i sekventialitet, modalitet og identitet i storytelling. Specialeafhandling vejledt af J. Landgrebe. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab. Københavns Universitet.
  • Jørgensen, S.; Nielsen, M.F.; Nielsen, A.M.R.; (2019). (Re)assurances - a trust building device in child welfare troubles talk? Paper in the panel “Promising practices” - promises and (re)assurances in social interaction. IIEMCA 2019, University of Mannheim.
  • Landgrebe, J. (2019). Interactional perspectives on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in professional contexts. International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, Malaysia, sept. 2019. (Panel co-organized with Thomas Toft).
  • Landgrebe, J. (2018). On the other side of the screen: the absence of physical touch in ICT-mediated meetings. Paper in panel: Technology mediated interaction at the workplace. Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction 2018, Aarhus, Danmark.
  • Landgrebe, J. (2018). Balancing interest in fieldwork – research, teaching and multiple stakeholders. Panel 3: Aspects of improving quality in professional practice, ALAPP Conference, Ghent 2017.
  • Landgrebe, J. (2018). Whose recovery? Challenges in ICT-mediated recovery-oriented meetings. The 6th International Meeting on Conversation Analysis and Clinical Encounters (CACE), Bristol, 12-14 July, 2017.
  • Landgrebe, J. (2018). Email practice revisited. An interactional approach or beyond? Paper in panel: Interactional perspectives on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in professional contexts. The 9th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-25 September 2019.
  • Landgrebe, J. (2018). “You can’t see this”. A collaborative activity? Paper in panel A: Digital and Global Business Communication. Global Advances in Business and Communication (GABC). 9th Annual Tricontinental Conference, 22-24 May 2017. University of Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Landgrebe, J. (2017). Aspects of improving quality in professional practice, ALAPP Conference, Ghent 2017. (Panel co-organized with Gitte Gravengaard).
  • Landgrebe, J. (2017). Klimaksdag om online borgerservice og online bostøtte. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Lingvistik (NorS), University of Copenhagen. 31 May 2017. (Organizer).
  • Lange, S.B. (2020). Video Mediation in Institutional Encounters: 4 studies from an applied ethnomethodological and conversation analytic project. PhD Dissertation. Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet.
  • Lange, S.B. (2019). Managing Distributed Meetings: Question Design Training for Team Leaders. Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP 2019), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Lange, S.B. (2019). CARM: Conversation Analytic Role-Play Method. I M. Femø Nielsen, & S. Skriver (red.), Metodekogebogen: 130 analysemetoder fra humaniora og samfundsvidenskab (s. 188-189). København: U Press.
  • Lange, S.B. (2019). ViRTI-metoden: Video-Based Reflection on Team Interaction. I M. Femø Nielsen, & S. Skriver (red.), Metodekogebogen: 130 analysemetoder fra humaniora og samfundsvidenskab (s. 195-197). København: U Press.
  • Lange, S.B. (2018). Getting people to “see” an object: transitional directives in video mediated encounters. Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction , Aarhus, Danmark.
  • Lange, S.B., & Due, B.L. (2018). Choosing trainables in mediated interaction: Principles for selecting clips for video- based workshops. International Conference of Conversation Analysis (ICCA 2018), Storbritannien.
  • Lange, S.B., & Due, B.L. (2017). Managing lapses after questions: facilitator resources for securing progressivity during video based workshops. 7th International and Interdisciplinary Conference On Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP 2017), Ghent, Belgien.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2021). Research methodology for respecifying and operationalizing theoretical social concepts as empirical phenomena in social interaction. An exploration using trust and trustworthiness as exemplary cases. PhD dissertation, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2020). Co-constructing the Video Consultation-competent patient. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 3(3).
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2020). Measuring the unmeasurable. Forskningsseminar 10. januar 2020, Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2019). Måling som metode. I M. Femø Nielsen, & S. Skriver (red.), Metodekogebogen: 130 analysemetoder fra humaniora og samfundsvidenskab (s. 129-134). København: U Press.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2019). Må jeg lige forklar dig noget først…Trusting as an interactional achievement. Presentation at MOVIN seminar.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2019). Video mediation: Beam - the telepresence robot. Paper at The Seminar on Video Mediated Interaction, University of Copenhagen.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2019). “Can we train health professionals to change their communication behaviours?”Panellists:  John Heritage, Rose McCabe, Merran Toerien, Alison Pilnick, Ruth Parry, Ann Merrit Rikke Nielsen. Panel discussion, moderator: Rebecca Barnes, CACE, University of Bristol July.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2018). Co-constructing Competent and Capable Identities in Institutional Video Meetin International Conference on Conversation Analysis, 11-15 July 2018, University of Loughborough.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2018). Measuring social processes - work in progress. Presentation at Winter School on Studies of Institutional Social Interaction, University of Copenhagen.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2018). Trust in video mediated professional interaction. Presentation at PhD Course Technology & Social Interaction, University of Copenhagen.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. (2018). Post stroke video consultation at a geriatric rehabilitation facility. Presentation and data session at MOVIN Network Meeting, University of Southern Denmark.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. & Nielsen, M.F. (2017). Measurable Trainables in Social Interaction? Conference paper at ALAPP November 2021, University of Ghent.
  • Nielsen, A.M.R. & Nielsen, M.F. (2017).”Trust was measured”. Om validitet og at måle det uhåndgribelige. CIRCD Målingsseminar, 21. aug. 2017.
  • Nielsen, C. & K.E. Olsen (2018). ”I’m gonna leave now”. En multimodal interaktionsanalytisk undersøgelse af online bostøttesamtaler i socialpsykiatrien. Specialeafhandling vejledt af J. Landgrebe. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab. Københavns Universitet.
  • Nielsen, M.F. (2021). Using professionals' video-mediated encounters to study formality. Exploring Social Interaction (ESI), International virtual conference via Zoom, 23-25 June 2021, MOVIN.
  • Nielsen, M.F. and T.L.W. Toft (2020). Get closer via remote video: Tips for your virtual presence: Meetings, workshops, teaching. SocialFormats Publishing.
  • Nielsen, M.F. and T.L.W. Toft (2020). Kom tæt på via video: Tips til dit virtuelle nærvær: Møder, workshops, undervisning. SocialFormats Publishing.
  • Nielsen, M.F. og T.L.W. Toft (2020). Ældre københavneres digitale parathed: En kvalitativ undersøgelse af brug af og interesse for digitale løsninger blandt borgere i alderen 65+. Rapport til Københavns Kommune. Københavns Universitet.
  • Nielsen, M.F. (2020). Undersøgelse af tillid i social interaktion. Forskningsseminar 10. januar 2020, Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet.
  • Nielsen, M.F. (2019). Adjusting or verbalizing visuals in ICT mediated professional encounters. In Dennis Day & Johs. Wagner (Eds). Objects, Bodies, and Work Practice. Multilingual Matters, pp. 191-215.
  • Nielsen, M.F. (2019). Contemporary formality in professionals' ICT mediated encounters. The 9th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP), 23-25 September 2019, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Nielsen, M.F. (2019). Using leaders' business meetings interaction to revisit 'authority'. 2nd Meeting Science Symposium, 23-24 May 2019, University of Copenhagen.
  • Nielsen, M.F. (2019). Video mediated interaction in professional settings. Research seminar on “Video Mediated Interaction”, 28-29 Jan 2019, University of Copenhagen.
  • Nielsen, M.F. (2018). How can we study trust as a phenomenon displayed in the interaction? LISO Talk: Language, Interaction and Social Organization, UC Santa Barbara.
  • Nielsen, M.F.; Nielsen, A.M.R. (2018). Negotiating participation frameworks in professionals’ video encounters. International Conference on Conversation Analysis, 11-15 July 2018, University of Loughborough.
  • Nielsen, M.F.; Nielsen, A.M.R. (2018). Are professionals using the screen to document trustworthiness in video mediated health care interaction? Nordisco, University of Aarhus, Nov 2018.
  • Nielsen, M.F.; Nielsen, A.M.R. (2017). Measurable Trainables in Social Interaction? 7th International conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP), 21-23 November 2017, University of Ghent.
  • Nielsen, M.F. and Nielsen, A.M.R. (2017). Hvordan skaber du nærvær på afstand? – om nærhed og nærvær i videomøder. Workshop 31. maj 2017 om Videomøder med borgere, patienter og klienter. Københavns Universitet.
  • Nielsen, M.F. (2017). Video mediated interaction in healthcare settings. MMHS 2017, 8-9 April 2017, Seminyak, Denpasar.
  • Nielsen, M.F. (2016). Which interactional features may be identified as indicators of achieved mutual trust? The 6th annual meeting of The Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, October 7-8, 2016. 
  • Nielsen, M.F. (2016). How is basic trust interactionally constructed in video mediated business meetings? 6th International conference Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP), 3-5 November 2016, University of Copenhagen.
  • Petersen, M.S.; Morris, D. J. & Nielsen, M.F. (2016). A pilot study of telehealth and face-to-face consultations in diagnostic audiology. CIRCD Working Papers in social interaction, 1(3): 1-38.
  • Pilborg, C. (2018). Trust in job interviews - A study of the recruitment partners ability to appear trustworthy. Specialeafhandling vejledt af A.M.R. Nielsen. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab. Københavns Universitet.
  • Sandersen, J.H.E. (2019). "Fornemmer du at jeg er der?" En EMCA multimodal interaktionsanalyse af videomedierede interaktioner gennem en tele presencerobot. Specialeafhandling vejledt af B.L. Due. Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab. Københavns Universitet.
  • Tranekjær, L., M.F. Nielsen, B.L. Due (2017). Achieving professional identity by talking about improving professional practice. 7th International conference Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP), 21-23 November 2017, University of Ghent.



Name Title Phone E-mail
Ann Merrit Rikke Nielsen Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535337181 E-mail
Bergur Rønne Moberg Associate Professor +4535328371 E-mail
Brian Lystgaard Due Professor +4535335929 E-mail
David Jackson Morris Associate Professor +4535328660 E-mail
Mie Femø Nielsen Professor +4535328356 E-mail

Simon Bierring Lange, PhD Fellow


Velux Foundation logoThe project is funded with 6 million DKK by the Velux Foundations.

Project period: 2013-2021

PI: Mie Femø Nielsen


Mie Femø Nielsen
Professor at Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics