Books, journals and reports

It is CIRCD’s aim to contribute research and knowledge on current developments within the area of interaction and communication in institutional settings. The working papers, reports and other publications cover a wide range of studies within this field of interest. Publications are selected and edited by members of the centre who possess in-depth knowledge of the fields covered in the specific studies. Please feel free to email the editor-in-chief if you have suggestions for papers or reports.

Please note that the majority of working papers and reports are published in Danish. However, some will also be featured in English.

Explore publications from CIRCD 

The International Business Interaction Series
This book series thus contains knowledge regarding the context in which daily communication takes place.

Social interaction: Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality
Social Interaction is an online journal published på CIRCD. 

Working papers on interaction and communication
Working papers are in-depth scientific articles based on theoretical and/or empirical studies and research projects. 

Reports derive from various studies of practice in professional settings within the area of interaction and communication.