Publications and Presentations
Publications and presentations under the research project Socialising Journalist Interns.
- Gravengaard, G. (2018): "Socializing mechanisms in the routinized practice in the newsroom". I: Burger, M. (ed): "Investigating Journalism Practices: Combining Newsroom Ethnography and Media Discourse Analysis".
- Gravengaard, G. & Malene Kjær (2018): "Fra undersøgelsesidé til problemløsning - forskerens rolle som videoanalytiker". I: Jacob Davidsen & Malene Kjær (red.): Videoanalyse af social interaktion. København: Samfundslitteratur.
- Gravengaard, G. & Malene Kjær (2018): "Analyse af læring i professionelle praksisser". CIRCD Working Papers in Social Interaction, 4(1), 1-31. Centre of Interaction Research and Interaction Design, University of Copenhagen. Read article
- Gravengaard, G. (2017) ”Knowledge transformation". In: Cotter, C. & Perrin, D. (Eds.): Handbook of Language and Media. Routledge.
- Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L. (2016): "'Is this a good news story?' Developing professional practice in the newsroom". I: Hovden, Nygren & Zilliacus-Tikkanen (Eds.): Making journalists through journalism education: Nordic perspectives. Nordicom Review.
- Rimestad, L. & Gravengaard, G. (2016): "Socialisation at the morning meeting. A study of how journalist interns are socialised to present ideas at morning meetings in the newsroom". Applied Journalism & Media Studies.
- Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L. (2016): "Giv din praktikant det bedste du har". Kommunikationsforum.
- Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L. (2016): "Gør gode praktikanter bedre". Kommunikationsforum.
- Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L. (2016): "Interaktionsforskning: Sådan skaber forskere og praktikere værdi for studerende".
- Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L. (2016): "At lære eller producere i praktik?". Kronik i Jyllands-Posten.
- Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L. (2015): "Hvilken type praktikantvejleder er du?" Kommunikationsforum.
- Gravengard, G. & Rimestad, L. (2014): "Har du talt med din praktikant i dag?" Journalisten.
- Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L. (2014): ”Socialising journalist trainees in the newsroom - on how to capture the intangible parts of the socialising process”. Nordicom Review 35.
- Gravengaard, G. (2014): "Socialising journalists in the newsroom". PechaKucha presentation on YouTube, 15 June 2014.
Book for students
Website for intern supervisors