New paper on the history of communication consultancy in Denmark
Gitte Gravengaard from CIRCD and Anne Kjærgaard from The Danish Language Council have released a new paper in the series CIRCD Working Papers in Social Interaction.
The paper describes and discusses the development of communication consultancy in Denmark from the 1960s and onwards.
Read the working paper: Fra sproglig rådgivning til co-creation-processer og big data (in Danish)
Based on an extensive literature review, the authors describe four paradigms within communication consultancy each conceptualizing the consultant’s role and work, the relation and collaboration between the consultant and the organization, as well as knowledge and the creation of knowledge in four different ways.
- Paradigm 1: The linguistic expert consultant – the critical linguistic perspective
- Paradigm 2: Communication consultancy from the communication expert – the organizational perspective
- Paradigm 3: The facilitator and the datadriven consultant – the interactional perspective
- Paradigm 4: Towards big data and artificial intelligence – a (big) data perspective.
This development has important consequences for the consultants’ professional practice as well as important implications for the universities educating communication consultants for the future.