23 June 2017

Climax Day for Students and Practitioners

On 31 May Jeanette Landgrebe and Brian Due hosted a so-called Climax Day for students from the course Development and Design of Communication Solutions. 
Based on fieldwork in the form of interviews, observations, video ethnography, surveys and co-creation workshops in two distinct workplace settings in two Danish municipalities, the students presented their final communication solutions to selected challenges in and around online citizen communication in the municipality of Copenhagen and the municipality of Jammerbugt.  

Project managers, team coordinators, practitioners and citizens from the two municipalities attended Climax Day to gain new insights into their particular online workplace challenges seen from the students’ points of view.

The students presented a diverse set of communication solutions, e.g. an app conceptualised to diminish social isolation amongst citizens; strategies for new local work procedures and knowledge sharing to boost practitioners’ online competencies, and implementation and design of an information video and practitioner workshops to further the online practices already carried out in the workplaces. 

The students presented their innovative solutions to their audience with great professionalism, and they received many positive remarks and comments from the audience.

The representatives from the municipalities expressed a joint and distinct satisfaction with the work accomplished and presented by the students, and kindly requested copies of all presentations for further inspiration and assistance to their online work practice development in the municipalities.